Erotic Codex
2622 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Saturday, April 6 at 5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Ends Jun 8, 2024
Please join us for the opening ceremony of Erotic Codex, curated by Jamison Edgar and Alice Scope, on Saturday April 6th from 5 – 7PM. Erotic Codex surveys the liberatory affordances of sex, and the erotic devices that queer, femme, and disabled artists use to harness power in an age of rapid acceleration. As co-curators, Jamison Edgar and Alice Scope question how emerging technologies reconfigure cultural norms around sex and sexuality, and forward a theory of erotics that takes shape across fleshy-messy networks on and offline. “The Device,” seen as both a technological companion and a rhetorical instrument, is taken up to examine the the generative modalities of sex, and celebrate a patchwork of artists who flex their erodic fantasies to assert agency and pleasure on their own terms. Exhibiting artists: Panteha Abaresh, Bora, Lena Chen, Nat Decker, Mariana Portela Echeverri, Lolita Eno, Sarah Friend, Xia Han, Huntress Janos, Lucas Larochell, Matthew McGaughy, Sybil Montet, Antigoni Tsagkaropoulou, Miyo Van Stenis